Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
Meyerhoff Classical Series Single Ticket Sales
- 31% growth in revenue; 2010-11 over 2009-10
- 33% growth in revenue; 2011-12 over 2010-11
- 2% growth in revenue; 2012-13 over 2011-12
Meyerhoff Pops Series Single Ticket Sales
- 49% growth in revenue; 2010-11 over 2009-10
- 16% growth in revenue; 2012-13 over 2011-12
Strathmore Classical Series Single Ticket Sales
- 24% growth in revenue; 2010-11 over 2009-10
- 18% growth in revenue; 2011-12 over 2010-11
Strathmore Pops Series Single Ticket Sales
- 43% growth in revenue; 2010-11 over 2009-10
- 8% growth in revenue; 2012-13 over 2011-12
Philadelphia Orchestra
- 2009-10 capacity utilization 69% before engaging CRStager, 82% after engaging CRStager
- 50% growth in NEW subscription revenue; 2010-11 over 2009-10
- 50% growth in pre-season Single Ticket sales; 2010-11 over 2009-10
- Directed announcement and launch of Yannik Nezet-Seguin as Music Director
Curtis Institute of Music
- Marketing Counsel for Carnegie Hall performance
Pittsburgh Symphony
- Marketing Audit – with recommendations and tactical plan
- Marketing Department Leadership
- 2015-16 Sales
- 8% growth in Classical Single Ticket Sales
- 23% growth in Pops Single Ticket Sales
- Record Holiday Pops revenue – 10%+ increase over previous record
Rhode Island Philharmonic
- Marketing Audit (2012)
- Marketing Counsel (2012 - )
- Between 2012 and 2014
- 39% growth in Single Tickets, fueling...
- 21% growth in Classical subscriptions
- 25% growth in Friday paid capacity
- 25% growth in Saturday paid capacity
- April 2013 performance of Beethoven Fifth – first sell out in at least seven seasons!
Albany Symphony
Marketing Counsel
Handel+Haydn Society of Boston (2014)
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
- Created 2011 post-strike pricing and messaging strategy, return concerts averaged 56% capacity – all single tickets
- 11% growth in capacity utilization in 2011-12, reversing decade long decline
- 2011-12 single tickets average increased 33%, revenue 28%
- 2012-13 ticket revenue grows by over $800,000 over 2011-12
- Classical Subscriptions increased 11%
- Classical Single Tickets increased 10%
- Capacity Utilization grew to 71% - 25% increase over 2009-10
- Ticket revenue rose to $6.26 million as the orchestra sold more subscriptions
- Beethoven Festival set a new record for classical ticket sales
- Pops single tickets grew by more that $100,000 – all-time record for Pops
- 2013-14
- Three weeks before opening night, Classical subscription revenue surpasses 2012-13 final
- "Home for the Holidays" breaks 2012 record with revenues exceeding $425,000 and more than 10,000 tickets sold
- 23% increase in subscriptions sold and a 17% increase in subscription revenue over 2012-13
- 2014-15
- As of February 2014, 2014-15 subscriptions outpacing 2013-14 subscriptions at same point of reference.
Naples Philharmonic Orchestra
Marketing Audit & Marketing Counsel
(November 2011 – September 2012)
- 2011-12 capacity utilization for Classical concerts grew to 72% from 45% (2010-11)
- 2011-12 capacity utilization for Pops grew to 7&% from 64% (2010-11)
- Patriotic Pops sold 2,454 single tickets, beating 2009’s record by a whopping 500 tickets
- And subscriptions for 2012-13 surpassed the 2011-12 final before June 1, the first year of subscription growth in at least nine seasons
Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Audit & Marketing Counsel
(January 2011 - May 2014)
- 2011-12 Classical concert revenue GREW 20% over 2010-11
- 2011-12 Coffee (matinee) concert revenue GREW 17% over 2010-11
- 6% subscription GROWTH over 2010-11
- Happy Holidays in 2011 over 2010
- Holiday Pops revenue UP 34%
- Messiah revenue UP 21%
- New Year’s Eve revenue UP 13%
- 2012 Holiday Pops Revenue up 22% over 2011
- 2012 Messiah Revenue up 28% over 2011
Kansas City Symphony
Marketing Counsel
(2005 – 2008)
2005-06 – Turnaround Begins
- Highest Classical single ticket sales in history
- Single ticket revenue UP 50%
- 5 concerts in all-time top 10
- Total ticket revenues GROW $155,000
2006-07 – Highest sales in at least 9 seasons
- Classical subscription seats UP 46%
- Classical single tickets UP 61%
- Paid capacity GROWS FROM 53% TO 70%
- Pops subscriptions nearly TRIPLE
- Pops capacity GROWS TO 85%
- Annual Fund UP 500+ donors
- Total ticket revenues UP $327,000
2007-08 – Growth continues
- Classical subscriptions UP 5%
- Paid capacity GROWS TO 72%
- Pops subscriptions GROW TO 28%
- Total ticket revenues GROW $148,000
The Phoenix Symphony
Marketing Audit and Continuing Counsel
(2005 – 2007)
2005-06 – A Record Season
- Ticket Sales UP 21%
- Highest ticket sales in history
- Highest ticket revenue in history
2006-07 – Growth Continues!
- Classical Series tickets UP 5%
- Classical Series ticket revenue UP 6%
- TOTAL tickets UP 7%
- TOTAL revenues UP 4%
The Toledo Symphony
Marketing Counsel
(2003 – 2008)
- Classical Subscriptions UP 41%
- Pops Subscriptions UP 23%
- Single Tickets UP 23%
- Annual Fund UP 7%
2005-06 – growth continues
- Classical Subscriptions UP 6%
2006-07 – and continues!
- Single Tickets UP 9%
- Highest Capacity Utilization in a decade - 81%
Saint Louis Symphony
Marketing Audit & Counsel
(2008 – 2010)
- Classical series tickets UP 7%
- Classical single ticket revenue UP 16% - best in 6 seasons
- Per-concert average attendance UP 9%
- Overall attendance UP 8%
- Overall ticket revenues UPO 15%
- Reversed a six-year decline in seated subscription sales
- New subscriptions surpassed previous season’s final by early spring, 2009
- 10 concerts between 90% capacity and SOLD-OUT
Virginia Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Counsel
(2006 – 2009)
- Classical single ticket revenue UP 18% over 2 seasons
- Launched opening of Virginia Beach Sandler Center in 20XX – sales: 00000
- Overall attendance UP 8%
- Overall ticket revenues UPO 15%
- 2009-10
- Reversed a six-year decline in seated subscription sales
- New subscriptions surpassed previous season’s final by early spring, 2009
- 10 concerts between 90% capacity and SOLD-OUT
Columbus Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Counsel
(2007-08, 2009-2010)
- Classical Series Single Ticket Sales
- 24% growth in revenue; 2007-08 over 2006-07
- 40% growth in tickets sold per concert; 2007-08 over 2006-07
- 5% growth in revenue 2009-10 over 2007-08
- Pops Series Single Ticket Sales
- 84% growth in revenue; 2007-08 over 2006-07
- BEST OUTCOME since 2001-02
Dayton Performing Arts Alliance
- Marketing Audit – with recommendations and tactical plan
Asheville Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Audit & Counsel
- Classical Series Subscription Sales
- 8% growth in revenue; 2010-11 over 2009-10
- Reversed decline from 2009-10
- 3% growth in revenue: 2011-12 over 2010-11
- RECORD REVENUE 2011-12 and 2010-11 highest outcomes in organization’s history
Knoxville Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Counsel
(2006 - Present)
- Holiday Concert Sales
- 78% growth in revenue; 2006 over 2005
- 22% growth in revenue; 2007 over 2006
- RECORD REVENUE 2007 – 11 outcomes best in organization’s history
- Classical Series Single Ticket Sales
- 10% growth in revenue; 2007-08 over 2006-07
- RECORD REVENUE 2010-11 outcome best in organization’s history
- Pops Series Subscription Sales
- 29% growth in subscriptions sold; 2007-08 over 2006-07
- SUSTAINED SUCCESS Pops paid capacity has averaged 85% since 2007-08
The Louisville Orchestra
Marketing Counsel
(November 2012 - December 2014)
- 2012-13 season
- Best single ticket sales since 2005
- 2013-14 season
- Previous season’s single ticket sales fueled 24% over previous abbreviated season
- 36% growth in subscription sales over last full season
- Continued growth in single tickets
- 2014-15 season
- Highest subscription levels in a decade
- Highest subscription revenues since 2007-08
- As of December 31, 70% in single ticket sales over 2013-14
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Counsel (2013-2017)
- Symphony on the Prairie
- 2013 - RECORD PER CONCERT REVENUE - $65,000+ per concert, 4% higher than previous record
- 2014 – RECORD REVENUE over 2013
- 2015 – RECORD REVENUE over 2014
- 2016 - RECORD REVENUE over 2015
- Yuletide Celebration
- Four straight years of record revenue, year over year
- Change in marketing strategy brought expenses 30-35% under budget
- Fall/Winter/Spring Subscription Seasons
- Year over year growth in subscriptions – up over 30%
- Year over year growth in single tickets – fueling subscription growth
- 2015-16 Season·
- 15% increase in sales over 2014-15 season
- Record revenue of $8.49-million
- 2013-14 Season·
- 19% growth in ticket sales
- 30% growth in subscriptions
- 44% ticket income increase over 4 years!
Marketing Counsel
(2003 - 2005)
- Holiday Concert Sales (Yuletide Celebration)
- 8% growth in revenue; 2003 over 2002
- SUSTAINED SUCCESS revenue increased in 2003, 2004, and 2005
- RECORD REVENUE 2005 revenue highest in organization’s history
- Classical Series Single Ticket Sales
- 34% growth in revenue; 2003-04 over 2002-03
- 14% growth in revenue; 2004-05 over 2003-04
- Pops Series Single Ticket Sales
- 83% growth in revenue; 2003-04 over 2002-03
- 41% growth in revenue; 2005-06 over 2004-05
- Total Product Sales
- 10% growth in revenue 2003-04 over 2002-03
- $513,781 more revenue 2003-04 over 2002-03
(June 2014 - present)
- 2014-15 Season
- 25% growth in subscriptions
- 48% growth in single tickets
- Beethoven 9 a true "sell-out" performance
- Lower marketing expense delivered a 154% increase to net contribution
- 2015-16 Season
- Subscription revenue 32% ahead of same date in 2014
Alabama Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Audit & Counsel
(2008 - 10)
- Classical Series Subscription Sales
- 34% growth in revenue; 2008-09 over 2007-08
- Classical Series Single Ticket Sales
- 19% growth in revenue; 2008-09 over 2007-08
Louisiana Philharmonic
Marketing Audit & Counsel
(2004 – 2006)
- With single ticket sales tracking 33% behind budget through December 2004, CRStager engaged to audit and recommend re-direction of marketing effort
- With adjusted tactics and strategies, January through May concerts exceeded budgeted revenue by 6%
- Subscription sales for 2005-06 tracking 10% ahead of previous season until Hurricane Katrina
- CRStager marketing created recovery program for post-Katrina concerts, retaining almost all revenues generated pre-Katrina
- Subscription campaign for 2006-07 exceeded revenue expectations by 40%
BEIJING, China Beijing Modern Music Festival
Marketing Counsel for U.S. concerts
MELBOURNE, Australia
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra
(2013 - )
Pricing / Season Structure model for 2014 season
Marketing Counsel
Symphony Orchestra Augusta
Marketing Counsel
(2013 – )
- 2013-14 Season
- 72% growth in Classical Single ticket sales
- 2014-15 Season
- 10% growth in Classical subscriptions over 2014-15 achieved by August 1 – Two months before opening night
Nashville Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Counsel
(September 2013 - April 2014)
- Marketing audit
- Interim Marketing Department Leadership
Portland Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Counsel
(2013 – PRESENT)
- Four seasons of Subscription growth - with all-time record revenue in 2017-18
- Four seasons of Classical Single Ticket growth - 26% over four years - 2016-17 record season
- 37% total single ticket revenue growth (Classical and Pops) over four seasons.
Dallas Symphony Orchestra
Marketing Counsel
(May 2013 – April 2014)
Amarillo Symphony
(July 2015 - present)
- Marketing Audit – with recommendations and tactical plan
- 2015-16 Season
- 59% increase in ticket sales
- 83% increase in ticket revenue
- $3.32 jump in average ticket price
Midland-Odessa Symphony
(April 2016)
- Marketing Audit – with recommendations and tactical plan
New Jersey Performing Arts Center - NJPAC
Marketing Counsel for Classical Concerts
(2013 - )
- First direct mail initiative delivered $113,000 in new subscription and single ticket revenue in the six weeks following the $15,000 marketing investment
North Carolina Symphony
Marketing Counsel
(2011-12, 2013 - )
- 2011-12 Single Ticket Sales
- Highest Opening Weekend Sales of at least five seasons
- Single ticket sales growth across the 2011-12 season
- Development of 2014 Summer Concert Series
Sacramento Philharmonic & Opera
(December 2014 – present)
- Engineered marketing plan for return of Orchestra
- Return Concert = 1,648 paid = 92% capacity
- Accomplished in just six weeks of sales
- Half of all tickets sold were to new subscribers
- Developed program for opening return concert – Vaughan Williams Concerto Grosso (featuring student & amateur string players from the community) and Mahler’s “Resurrection” Symphony
Utah Symphony
(2015 – present)
- Marketing Counsel for Carnegie Hall performance
San Francisco Symphony
(2013-14 Season)
- Record January single ticket sales in 2014 - 13,000 single tickets
- 4,000+ single tickets sold for Beethoven's Seventh Symphony in first week of January - San Francisco Symphony record
- Record February single ticket sales in 2014 - 11,000 single tickets
Philharmonia Baroque (San Francisco)
(2014 – present)
- Marketing Audit – with recommendations and tactical plan
- 2015-16 season
- $633,000 in subscription revenue by July 2015, more than $51,000 above 2014-15 season FINAL
- Number of subscription seats exceeded 2014-15 final by July 2015
- Strong growth in San Francisco and Berkeley venues
San Diego Symphony (2015)
- Marketing Audit – with recommendations and tactical plan
- 2014-15 season
- Final two concerts of season post the best single ticket sales of the season
- 2015 Summer Pops
- 2015-16 season
- New Classical Series subscription sales surpassed previous season final by April 2015